Wednesday, October 28, 2009


It's called Judgment/ and i think/ contrary to popular opinion/ that judgment is an essential part of of our human interiors// it's a survival skill/ and we are not to live without it// There is no living being on the planet that lives without judgment// iT is the power to decide/ to choose/ what we are are/ and/ are not invested in/ because of how we feel about it// the ability and inate act to discern/ to have an opinon/ to assertain// this is judgment in it's purest form// And i'm of the personal opinion that any spiritual practice that advises a human being to put aside their judgment is a philosophy of spiritual suicide// To excercise judgment is to massage and stretch our sense of things/ to work out/ fine tune/ sharpen/ our instincts and intuitions up against our view of things/ and if all is healthy with our instincts/ our intuitions/ and our view of things/ judgment can become a vital part of an individuals healthy development// When these components aren't so healthy/ disfunction is bred// Judgment and/ its plural/ judgments/ are very different things// The latter is what i really think most spiritual practices ask us to let go of// Judgments are what sentence people to our opinions// Judgments are what suffocate the air from a widened experience// Judgment is the gavel hitting the judges sound block// a declaration that a justice has been served and bestowed// it is the oppressive sound of someone thinking they "know" about "it"//

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