Thursday, November 12, 2009

the less you show us of ourselves/ the harder it becomes to know ourselves/ because we have no reflection of ourselves/ to look into// your plan is simple/ act like we do not exist/ on the planet's surface/ treat us like the dust beneath your existence/ make us hardly recognizable to ourselves/ and we'll be forced to believe/ we don't mean anything// we/will shrink ourselves/ to fit into your minority categories/ because we've been tricked to perceive ourselves/the lesser of humanity/ simply because we are forever inundated with your racist imagery// Everything surrounding me/ all you/ and no me/ to speak of// Everything being given me all your sizes and tastes and preferences/ Everything being taught to me/ all your ideas/ credits/ and philosophies/ all of these/ the stolen property/ of those of us you are persecuting// You are vigorously trying to erase us/ from this earth's surface/ killing us in numbers/ that plunder far beneath and under/ your races/ ever slowly growing population// yet even as you try to kill us/ we keep exploding// 25 million continental africans dead in a year from AIDS/ brings back ancestral memories of 25 million african bodies lying leagues beneath the sea/ sacrificed in the pit of slavery/ you claim long buried in this society//

Saturday, October 31, 2009

everyone else

So, everyone else// "everyone else" is the majority// the large group of everyone and everything that lives outside of you and has an opinion on what you choose/ who you are/ how you live/ how you think/ how you "how" in general// "everyone else" has an impression of who they think you are based on their "feelings" around who you present yourself to be/ it's human relating// we make contact/ we engage/ we judge the engagement/ we asses the engager/engagers/ and we make a decision of/like or dislike/ based on our feelings/ while perched on a fence/ erected between our world and theirs// perched here, we decide/ what we do/and/do not believe about who we're presented with// we decide what we believe is real or fake/ what is to be trusted and not trusted// We figure them out as best as we can/ and then decide/who they are relative to us// Do we continue to engage/ or/ do we move on?// Fact: most times we move on/ there are too many people to "keep"/ too many experiences of "clash", even though we might not call it that/ to many ways to not connect// That's why when you do connect/ it's magic// but what i've learned through time/is that/ real magic takes time// real magic needs to simmer/ initial magic/attraction/connection/ is exciting and motivating// real magic is work/and concentration/ and investment// i've made some really bad investments...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


It's called Judgment/ and i think/ contrary to popular opinion/ that judgment is an essential part of of our human interiors// it's a survival skill/ and we are not to live without it// There is no living being on the planet that lives without judgment// iT is the power to decide/ to choose/ what we are are/ and/ are not invested in/ because of how we feel about it// the ability and inate act to discern/ to have an opinon/ to assertain// this is judgment in it's purest form// And i'm of the personal opinion that any spiritual practice that advises a human being to put aside their judgment is a philosophy of spiritual suicide// To excercise judgment is to massage and stretch our sense of things/ to work out/ fine tune/ sharpen/ our instincts and intuitions up against our view of things/ and if all is healthy with our instincts/ our intuitions/ and our view of things/ judgment can become a vital part of an individuals healthy development// When these components aren't so healthy/ disfunction is bred// Judgment and/ its plural/ judgments/ are very different things// The latter is what i really think most spiritual practices ask us to let go of// Judgments are what sentence people to our opinions// Judgments are what suffocate the air from a widened experience// Judgment is the gavel hitting the judges sound block// a declaration that a justice has been served and bestowed// it is the oppressive sound of someone thinking they "know" about "it"//

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Sometimes/ i need to live in a bubble/ cut myself off from everything that seems to "need" to get in/ and disconnect// there's anxiety with the choice to do so/ discomfort with what people will think/ whose feelings i might hurt/ who i feel obligated to// which is the reason i need the space in the first place/ because everything is too "tight" or "too much to handle// Sometimes the choice to enter the bubble/ is on me before i know it// I just magically feel as if I've been transported there// Clearly i know the choices i've made to get there/ but sometimes I'm surprised to find that I've arrived/that i'm disconnected/ almost by accident/ but knowing that a part of me finally tookover/and said: "enough, we've had enough"// But lately/ or rather/ this time especially// i'm beginning to get comfortable with my right to disconnect// with my right to say "enough" and "i need space"/ whether directly with my words/ or indirectly with my actions// i think I've worked out that it's the people who understand the choice that i want to be friends with/ that i need to be friends with// and anyone else?/ well as unfortunate as it might be for me/ everyone else/ must just become everyone else//