Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Sometimes/ i need to live in a bubble/ cut myself off from everything that seems to "need" to get in/ and disconnect// there's anxiety with the choice to do so/ discomfort with what people will think/ whose feelings i might hurt/ who i feel obligated to// which is the reason i need the space in the first place/ because everything is too "tight" or "too much to handle// Sometimes the choice to enter the bubble/ is on me before i know it// I just magically feel as if I've been transported there// Clearly i know the choices i've made to get there/ but sometimes I'm surprised to find that I've arrived/that i'm disconnected/ almost by accident/ but knowing that a part of me finally tookover/and said: "enough, we've had enough"// But lately/ or rather/ this time especially// i'm beginning to get comfortable with my right to disconnect// with my right to say "enough" and "i need space"/ whether directly with my words/ or indirectly with my actions// i think I've worked out that it's the people who understand the choice that i want to be friends with/ that i need to be friends with// and anyone else?/ well as unfortunate as it might be for me/ everyone else/ must just become everyone else//

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